Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.
Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.
In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.
New ways to look at psychology and spirituality offer exciting possibilities in the recovery movement, both for individual seekers and for those who work in the treatment field. This workshop explores a whole continuum, from the idea of addiction as an extreme form of attachment, which affects everyone and which is crucial to spiritual seekers of all practices, to the more articulate forms of addiction: substance, process, relationship, and more. Through theory, discussion and experiential exercises, we’ll look at:
(1) the disease paradigm of recovery;
(2) the wellness paradigm and the transpersonal recovery center;
(3) implications of perinatal and transpersonal dimensions for recovery;
(4) the 12 steps as a world yoga;
(5) addiction as spiritual emergency;
(6) addiction as shamanic crisis;
(7) recovery as a mystery school;
(8) psychedelics and recovery;
(9) recovery and the feminine;
(10) addiction from the homeopathic perspective;
(11) recovery as death/rebirth;
(12) addiction and the global crisis; and more.
These modules are open events and suitable for both participants in the training program as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation.