GTT Online / Ethics: Exploring the Ecology of Right Relationship (U.S. & Europe-friendly times)

August 7-10, 2025

A GTT Virtual Module with CHRISTINE CALVERT, JOHN STOCKBERGER, and Cindy Pickreign

Online, by Zoom


Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager:
Phone 415 383-8779


COST:  $398 until June 12, 2025
$428 after June 12, 2025
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Discovering ethical Right Relationship with clients requires the same courageous approach to self-discovery that brought us to Holotropic Breathwork® and is a necessary exploration for those of us interested in facilitating this work, or those of us just wanting to learn to truly embody the ethics of what it means to be in right relationship with self and others. A Holotropic approach to ethics provides a no-blame model based on self-compassion and curiosity that supports a willingness to uncover and own our motivations, be in relational honesty with others about where we’ve been out of alignment, and make good choices on behalf of our clients and ourselves as we move forward in  deepening our understanding of ourselves and the multitude of all our parts.

This is an inquiry, a conversation, about what it means to embody our ethics, and an honest look at how we relate to our inner topography — how that impacts the outer, and the implications for how this influences the way we show up as space holders, both in expanded state work and otherwise.

Through story, contemplative practice, small group and community conversation, somatic inquiry and other experiential practices we’ll explore in this virtual space, with compassion, topics such as:

  • Longing and desire: the sacral wave
  • Boundaries and consent: locating ourselves
  • Attachment and belonging: weaving the relational fabric
  • Touch and the physical: historical implications & doing/not doing
  • Money, security and survival: the root chakra
  • The ethics of doing our own work: a lifestyle
  • Our relationship to: silence, the subtle and the wisdom within
  •  creative practice that helps us view and listen to the feelings and counsel of our many parts.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit by attending a GTT-approved double breathwork workshop.  Up to two Virtual Module+Double Breathwork combinations may be counted toward the requirements for certification.

This event consists of seven 3-hour sessions. To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all 7 sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.

US Pacific Dates and Times*:
Thursday 8/7:  one session  1:30-4:30 p.m.
Friday 8/8: two sessions, 9 a.m-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Saturday 8/9: two sessions, 9 a.m-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Sunday 8/10: two sessions, 9 a.m-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.

*Please use the above U.S. Pacific times and this time zone converter to find the correct times for your zone: