List of all upcoming events by date
GTT Australia module / The Art of The Healing Voice with Cáit Branigan
A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with CAIT BRANIGAN, Vicky Nicholson and GTT staff
Poatina Village, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
GTT Australia, Vicky Nicholson. phone 61 0400 848970.
GTT U.S. (CT) Module / Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation
A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with DORY PERRY and TOM FRANCESCOTT & GTT Staff
Guest House Retreat Center, Chester, Connecticut, USA, hotel information.
Email Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
GTT U.S. (CO) Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Retreat
A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® workshop/retreat with PADMA KOCH and JEFFREY WARREN
Loveland, Colorado, USA, hotel information.
Email Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
GTT U.S. (CO) Module / The Power Within: The Practice of Holotropic Breathwork®
A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with DIANA MEDINA, Padma Koch and Jeffrey Warren
Loveland, Colorado USA, hotel information.
Email Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
GTT Online / Write from the Heart: Opening the Gates for Transformation (U.S. & Australia friendly times)
A GTT Virtual Module with VICKY NICHOLSON and Cindy Pickreign
Online by Zoom
Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
GTT Online / Ethics: Exploring the Ecology of Right Relationship (U.S. & Europe-friendly times)
A GTT Virtual Module with CHRISTINE CALVERT, JOHN STOCKBERGER, and Cindy Pickreign
Online, by Zoom
Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
GTT Australia module / The Integration of Expanded States of Consciousness: A Holotropic Approach
Penrith, NSW, AUSTRALIA, hotel information.
GTT Australia, Vicky Nicholson. phone 61 0400 848970.
GTT U.S. (CO) module / The Expanded Self: Exploring Grief, Death, and the Afterlife
A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with Cary Sparks and Christine Calvert & GTT staff
Loveland, Colorado USA, hotel information.
Email Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
GTT U.S. (CO) Module / Holotropic Perspectives on Psychedelic Sitting
A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with CHRISTINE CALVERT and JOHN STOCKBERGER and GTT staff
Loveland, Colorado USA, hotel information.
Email Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.
An Institute for Holotropics, Inc. Module in Ireland – Deepening into Samhain with Cáit Branigan
An Institute for Holotropics, Inc. module with CÁIT BRANIGAN and PAUL MCCORMACK and NORA MCDONNELL
Westport, IRELAND
This module is closed..
Certification Closing Intensive in Australia
Institute for Holotropics / GTT International Closing Certification Intensive with VICKY NICHOLSON and GTT Australia Team.
Poatina Village, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
GTT Australia, Vicky Nicholson. phone 61 0400 848970.
Certification Closing Intensive in the U.S.
Institute for Holotropics / GTT International Closing Certification Intensive with DIANA MEDINA and TOM FRANCESCOTT
Loveland, Colorado USA, hotel information.
Email Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager: Phone 415 383-8779.