Czechia Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

Meets the requirements to complete one GTT Virtual Module.

This 3 1/2-day, experiential Double Holotropic Breathwork workshop allows for self-healing and self-exploration as well as accessing the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. During the workshop, four breathwork sessions (two as a breather and two as a sitter) will allow you, in a very safe setting, to access an expanded state of consciousness, in which your own wisdom connects with your inner healing and transforming power. This healing wisdom guides the experience towards those aspects which carry emotional charge, and are ready to be processed or integrated.


Holotropic Breathwork might be of interest if:

∙ you are seeking a more experiential approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy

∙ you are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights

∙ you want to release unresolved issues from the past

∙ you want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical / psychosomatic condition

∙ you are yearning for deeper insight into the nature of reality and advancement on your spiritual path

∙ you want to facilitate the integration of a difficult psychedelic session

∙ you have a feeling of an uninterestingly lived life


We will start on Thursday 21.10. at 17:00, and finish on Sunday 24.10. around midday.




Germany Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

Meets the requirements to complete one GTT Virtual Module.

Information and registration

Double breathwork and shamanic drum building in the beautiful surroundings of Finkenwerder Hof!

Since the beginning of time expanded states of consciousness were used by seekers to find answers for the existential and meaningful questions of life.

Holotropic breathwork is a powerful and unique method to experience such on ordinary states of consciousness in a safe setting. It is a wonderful way of self discovery, healing and spiritual growth. Through intensified breathing and evocative music you reach an altered state of consciousness that brings you on a journey into your inner being.

The Way of the Psychonaut, A Two-Volume Set

ORDER FORM or use QR code


This comprehensive work is a tour de force through the worlds of psychology, psychotherapy, Holotropic Breathwork®, maps of the psyche, birth, sex, and death, reincarnation, karma, mystical states, archetypes, art, artists, and higher creativity.

“In these two volumes, Stan Grof shares the distillation of a lifetime of scholarship, observation, experience and introspection, artfully drawing the reader deeper and deeper into their own psyche.” – James Fadiman, PhD, psychedelic researcher and author of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic and Sacred Journeys

“I stayed up all night to read Stan Grof’s magnificent magnum opus. More than any person I can think of Stan Grof has pioneered our understanding of inner reality and its relationship to the experience of so-called outer reality over the last 60 years.” – Deepak Chopra, MD, founder of the Chopra Center for Wellb eing, founder of the Chopra Foundation, and pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation.

The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book

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In The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.

Don Miguel Ruiz has dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the ancient Toltec. For more than two decades, he has guided others toward their personal freedom. Today, he continues to combine his unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern-day awareness through journeys to sacred sites around the world.

Austria in-person module / The Art of Living and Dying – A Dance to the Music of Time

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the fascinating human journey, from conception to death and rebirth.

In embarking on this adventure, we may begin to “DANCE” with the music of time, rather than moving through life, resisting the flow toward death. Such a shift gives us the opportunity to fulfill our deepest life purposes, and let go consciously of what keeps us from embracing this crucial process of transformation.

By viewing life and death through the lens of Holotropic Paradigm, we are able to explore, in depth, the triple dynamic and experience of death-birth-rebirth.

We will draw upon some of the world’s leading paradigms of the death/rebirth process, including:

  • The work of Stephen Levine and Elizabeth Kubler Ross
  • The shamanic practice of working with mortality
  • The contributions of Ralph Metzner and Timothy Leary, including their references to the Tibetan Book of the Dead

We will also explore the fascinating and powerful impact of near-death experiences on our everyday experience of living. This unique journey in facing our mortality offers us a profound opportunity to enrich our own unique life journey. The process will be deeply experiential. In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, the week’s inner adventures will involve creative exercises, including art, as well as participation in other modalities of psychospiritual journeying.

More information

Registration forms

The Holotropic Paradigm: The Psyche, The Inner Healer & Moving Towards Wholeness

This module offers an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®.

Topics covered include:

  1. the power of the Inner Healer and moving towards wholeness;
  2. presence: the disciplines required to become an effective Holotropic Breathwork® practitioner;
  3. COEX’s: how the Inner Healer orchestrates transformation through our experiences of the psyche;
  4. exploration of the frontiers of the psyche through Movie Yoga;
  5. session stories: valuable teachings from practitioners through their work with breathers;
  6. open forums focusing on every facet of the Holotropic experience;
  7. dance, medication, music journeys and nature celebration.

During the course of the six-day retreat, each participant will experience two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork experiences and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.

Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.

More information

Registration forms

Music and Transcendence

This module is an exciting and transformative journey through the world of music. Sound and rhythm have always been vital creative and spiritual tools for transformation. Music has even been called the language of the soul. This is a special opportunity to learn first-hand the music structure that defines Holotropic Breathwork® in such a special way.

In addition, we’ll also explore other exciting strategies that help make the Holotropic perspective an essential tool for everyday living.

This module includes: 1) Holotropic music: its history, theory and practice, detailed discussion of the three part structure of a Holotropic Breathwork® music set; with demonstrations of specific pieces for each section; 2) Holotropic group work: it’s history, theory and practice, discussion of common group experiences and challenging situations; 3) COEX systems: how we work with multi-level patterns; 4) demonstration of relaxation; 5) facilitator self -care; 6) Practical workshop information – venue, pricing, promotion, brochure, types of workshops.

More information

Registration forms

Slovenia Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

Offers two Holotropic Breathwork® sessions and two “sitting” experiences for each participant. The holotropic process briefly referred to as “breathing,” allows you to connect with the source of wisdom and healing transformative powers within you. GTT certified facilitators make sure that you can open up to Iner Wisdom and inner healing power in a completely safe, supportive environment…

Important for GTT students / practitioners: These particular workshops will fulfill the Virtual Module requirement.

Event details

Slovenia Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

Offers two Holotropic Breathwork® sessions and two “sitting” experiences for each participant. The holotropic process briefly referred to as “breathing,” allows you to connect with the source of wisdom and healing transformative powers within you. GTT certified facilitators make sure that you can open up to Iner Wisdom and inner healing power in a completely safe, supportive environment…

Important for GTT students / practitioners: These particular workshops will fulfill the Virtual Module requirement.

Event details