Certification Closing Intensive in the U.S.

Registration Link

For those who have completed the necessary requirements. Because of the unusual nature of the past two years, please contact us about your individual situation if you are close to fulfilling all of your requirements.

To attend certification, you also must:
1) have applied and been accepted to GTT
2) have applied and been accepted to attend the Certification Intensive
3) register for the Certification Intensive with GTT

About becoming certified in Holotropic Breathwork

Padma Koch

Padma Koch (module facilitator) is a Holotropic Breathwork® practitioner & process oriented mixed media artist inspired by the roller coaster of life. She certified with Grof Transpersonal Training in 2015 and is committed to upholding and sharing the Holotropic paradigm with others.
Art, Holotropic Breathwork®, movement, Buddhist teachings, & shamanic practices have been powerful and transformative tools on Padma’s journey to embrace the full spectrum of the human experience. She utilizes these tools to assist individuals of all ages through life’s challenges in a supported and creative manner & is now working to extend this offering to those in the dying process.

The Power Within: The Practice of Holotropic Breathwork®

In this module, Holotropic theory comes alive. It’s where we experience the essence of the practice first hand. We will discuss the principles that support and inform the practice of Holotropic Breathwork® focused release work. Sitara will explain the fundamentals of HB and why it is such a special method for personal exploration and healing.  We will also get to practice holotropic focused energy release work.

Topics include:

1) The power of the Inner Healer
2) Facilitator presence and skills
3) Focused energy release work – principles and ethics
4) Focused energy release demonstration and practice (hands-on work by participants)
5) Moving toward closure, and closure
6) Special challenging situations when facilitating


Ruth Langford

With a diverse background in cultural arts, environmental & social justice, youth work and Indigenous Medicines Therapy, Ruth divides her time into various projects. They all reflect her passion for uniting ancient traditions and contemporary innovations for optimistic action and well-being for All-beings.

As a Song woman and StoryTeller, Ruth draws upon the cultural knowledge of her Yorta Yorta and Dja Dja Wurrung mother and holds cultural responsibilities within Lutruwita’s Palawa community where she was born and continues to live.

Holding a Masters of Indigenous Health & Wellbeing, Ruth is a certified Holotropic Breathwork® practitioner and has spent decades traveling the world sitting with Indigenous Elders, Senior Knowledge Keepers and World Wisdom teachers. Ruth’s vision is to connect people to the ancient wisdom of First Nations teachings in a contemporary and relevant context through the expression of cultural arts, ceremony and ritual.

As the founder of Nayri Niara – a Centre for the Arts of Healing – and creative director of Nayri Niara Good Spirit Festival, Ruth Langford has gained a reputation as a capable facilitator and coordinator of effective capacity-building programs which have, as their guiding principles, connection to Country, Culture and to the Sacred.


Por primera vez, GTT ofrece eventos virtuales en tiempo real que son tan cercanos a la experiencia del módulo GTT como podemos hacerlos en un formato en línea.

Este “Módulo virtual” está abierto a cualquier persona interesada. Habrá sesiones grupales de interacción, enseñanza y experiencia. Todo, excepto las sesiones de Holotropic Breathwork®, ya que HB no se puede hacer virtualmente.

Para mejorar la experiencia grupal para todos, tenga en cuenta que se espera que asista a todas las sesiones del módulo tal como lo haría si se llevara a cabo en vivo en un centro de retiro.

Aunque puede asistir a este módulo virtual como un evento independiente, también hay una opción para aquellos que desean obtener crédito de módulo completo. En ese caso, podrá crear el componente Holotropic Breathwork® en talleres solo para HB que ofreceremos tan pronto como sea seguro hacerlo. Hasta dos de estos componentes combinados de Módulos virtuales + HB se pueden contar para los siete módulos necesarios para la certificación.

El Paradigma Holotrópico: La psique, el Sanador Interno y avanzar hacia la totalidad

En este módulo virtual exploramos la filosofía y los principios, tanto teóricos como prácticos, del trabajo con Respiración Holotrópica. Se tratan los temas siguientes:

  1. El origen de la Respiración Holotrópica
  2. El Linaje Holotrópico: evolución de las prácticas psicológicas y escuelas espirituales.
  3. Fundamentos filosóficos de la Respiración Holotrópica
  4. La Cartografía Expandida de la Psique
  5. Los Sistemas COEX
  6. El Sanador Interno como herramienta de transformación
  7. La práctica de la Respiración Holotrópica: principios y estrategias
  8. Mecanismos terapéuticos de la Respiración Holotrópica

Además de la exposición de estos temas, habrá sesiones de discusión, foros abiertos y espacio para preguntas y respuestas. El contenido teórico se complementará con sesiones experienciales a través de “Movie Yoga”, una forma efectiva y entretenida de transformación y crecimiento personal a través de películas especialmente seleccionadas para este módulo.

Inscripción y costo

6 a 9 pm hora de Europa Central, jueves 12 de noviembre
2-5 y 6-9 pm hora de Europa Central, viernes, sábado y domingo 13-15 de noviembre

Marc B.Aixalà es Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones (UPC- Barcelona) y Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Barcelona. Posgrado en psicoterapia integrativa y Máster en terapia breve estratégica. Vive en Barcelona, donde tiene su consulta de psicoterapia. Se certificó como facilitador de Respiración Holotrópica en 2012, y desde entonces ha sido un miembro activo en los módulos de GTT en España, como facilitador y profesor y ha facilitado talleres en varios países alrededor del mundo.

Además de su rol como terapeuta y facilitador, Marc trabaja en distintos campos de la psicoterapia asistida con sustancias psiquedélicas. Se formó con MAPS en el uso de la MDMA para el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático y con Compass Pathways en el tratamiento asistido con psilocibina de la depresión resistente. Actualmente trabaja como terapeuta en un estudio clínico en Barcelona.

Durante años Marc ha trabajado en ICEERS (International Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research and Service), donde se ha especializado en la psicoterapia de integración de experiencias en estados no ordinarios.

Paul McCormack

Paul McCormack (module facilitator) has been facilitating Holotropic Breathwork® since the early 1990’s and has run workshops all over the world as well as in his home country of Ireland. Paul is a qualified and accredited Psychotherapist / Counsellor in addition to being a Grof Transpersonal Training certified facilitator and also has qualified in sound engineering and music production.  Paul strongly believes in the healing and transformational power of Holotropic Breathwork® whether it manifests as resolution of old complexes / traumas or behavioural patterns or simply boosts and enhances one’s personal creativity and energy.

Online (Europe-friendly meeting times) / Jung, Alchemy & the Transformation of Consciousness

In 2020 GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.


In this Virtual Module, we will explore the world of archetypes, dreams, myths, shadow, symbols, alchemy, individuation, and astrology. It will be a rich, creative journey into the depths of the psyche and the reality of the psychoid, through the work of Carl Jung and alchemy. Our time together will be highly experientially, to intricately support and illuminate our own transformational processes.

We will dive in through living mythic material and symbols that informed Jung and the ancient alchemists. We will also turn to the issues of current times that seek our attention — for transformation in this pregnant darkness — at individual and collective levels.

The focus of this module will include 1) An overview of Carl Jung’s seminal contributions to psychology 2) the power and significance of Jung’s own “spiritual emergency” rooted in and supported by his discovery of the ancient alchemists 3) and deep personal exploration into these alchemical processes using a variety of experiential modalities including Holotropic Breathwork®, Jung’s active imagination, writing, art, dream work, film, meditation, and movement.

It will be enriching for anyone wishing to explore their inner lives in a safe and nourishing setting, as well as those interested in bringing a Jungian perspective into their everyday lives. This will be a wonderful opportunity to have a personal, embodied experience of Jung’s most groundbreaking contributions. The event will provide the ‘alchemical vessel’ for one’s own exploration, integration, and growth.

Attendees of Monika’s Red Book module will find much new, as well as some revisited and expanded, material and practices.

COST (US)$398 until September 24, $428 after September 24

While open to anyone interested, this topic is an Optional Module for anyone wishing to become a certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator.

Thursday opening – 5:30-8:30 pm (17:30-20:30) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Thursday post-session – there will be an related activity to do on your own

Friday first session – 1:00-4 pm (13:00-16:00) GMT
Friday second session – 5:30-8:30 pm (17:30-20:30) GMT
Friday post-session – there will be an related activity to do on your own

Saturday first session – 1:00-4 pm (13:00-16:00) GMT
Saturday second session – 5:30-8:30 pm (17:30-20:30) GMT
Saturday post-session – there will be an related activity to do on your own

Sunday morning first session – 1:00-4 pm (13:00-16:00) GMT
Sunday second session – 5:30-8:30 pm (17:30-20:30) GMT, closing

Nora McDonnell

Nora McDonnell (module facilitator) was a secondary school teacher in the west of Ireland and enjoys bringing the holotropic perspective to her everyday interactions with both young people and all her relationships. She has been involved with Holotropic Breathwork® since the late nineties and certified as a GTT facilitator in 2011. Since then she has facilitated workshops and training modules in Ireland, England, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Austria, and China.

She enjoys travelling to share in the Holotropic Breathwork® experience in all its capacities.  She sees Holotropic Breathwork® as a way of life rather than just something she does.

Laurane McGlynn

Dr. Laurane McGlynn (workshop leader) is a clinical psychologist who integrates mind/body medicine with holistic approaches to healing and transformation. She holds doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy and a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and Human Services. In addition, she has advanced training and certifications in mindfulness-based stress reduction, past-life regression therapy, Vipassana mediation, and somatic resourcing. In 2021, Laurane completed training in Mind/Body medicine from Harvard Medical School.

Laurane feels her experiences in the Grof Transpersonal Training program have been some of the most deeply healing and profound experiences of her life. She feels honored to have been trained by Stan Grof and Tav Sparks and is deeply committed to continuing their legacy through her teaching and workshops.

She has been offering weekend Holotropic Breathwork® workshops throughout the United States for the past six years and involved with GTT since 2009. Laurane is a musician, poet and author. She has published a book of poetry entitled “Opening Inward” based on her healing, transformative and mystical experiences with Holotropic Breathwork®. Laurane has earned licensure as a psychologist in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. She currently works as a graduate professor of psychology; psychologist in a university counseling center; and Director of the Center for Counseling and Wellness–an integrative holistic healing center in PA. Her work is heart-centered, compassionate, intuitive and empowering.