Yulia Meshoyrer

Yulia Meshoyrer (module facilitator) is a certified facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork®, a transformative technique developed by Stan and Christina Grof. With an MA degree in General Psychology from Russia and an additional MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Sofia University, Yulia possesses a rich understanding of the human psyche. She is also certified in Spiritual Emergency support and Dream Studies, and has received extensive training as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and therapist.

Currently residing between New York and New Jersey, Yulia is deeply rooted in both states’ vibrant cultural and holistic communities. She hosts events in Holotropic Space, located in Colts Neck, a picturesque farmland just an hour away from New York City. Within this tranquil setting, participants are invited to explore profound states of consciousness through breathwork and various complementary modalities.

As the visionary founder of “Holotropic Space,” Yulia leads a groundbreaking initiative to facilitate transformative experiences and holistic well-being. In addition to her role as a facilitator, she serves as a breathwork and transpersonal psychology educator and mentor, sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience with aspiring practitioners. Yulia’s unwavering dedication to the advancement of consciousness underscores her significance within the field of transpersonal psychology.

Online / The Holotropic Paradigm: The Psyche, the Inner Healer, and Moving Toward Wholeness

In-person modules scheduled for Joshua Tree, CA in October, 2021 have been cancelled for reasons related to Covid safety and anticipated mask mandates.

* * *

This Virtual Module is an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®.

Topics covered include:

  1. the power of the Inner Healer and moving towards wholeness;
  2. presence: the disciplines required to become an effective Holotropic Breathwork® practitioner;
  3. COEX’s: how the Inner Healer orchestrates transformation through our experiences of the psyche;
  4. exploration of the frontiers of the psyche through Movie Yoga;
  5. session stories: valuable teachings from practitioners through their work with breathers;
  6. open forums focusing on every facet of the Holotropic experience;
  7. experiential personal work facilitated by Diana Medina (not HB)

No previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is necessary.  Space in this event is limited to approximately 40.

COST: $398 until October 14; $428 after
Discount for certified HB practitioners.

Meeting times below are in the US Pacific Time Zone as well as the Western European Time Zone:

Thursday opening circle: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe

Friday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific / 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe
Friday – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Saturday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific / 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe
Saturday – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Sunday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific / 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe
Sunday closing circle – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.

This event is open to anyone interested.  The topic is one of the four Required Modules for anyone wishing to become a certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator, see below about attending a future in-person double-HB workshop to complete the requirement.

In 2020, GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so.

U.S. in-person module / The Power Within: The Practice of Holotropic Breathwork®

In this module, the Holotropic paradigm comes alive. Participants experience the elements of Holotropic Breathwork® focused release work. We discuss principles, then go beyond theory to show why Holotropic Breathwork® is such a special method for personal exploration and healing. While learning to accompany others on their journeys, you will also discover how to translate Holotropic theory into a tool for enriching your everyday living experience. Topics include:

1) The power of the Inner Healer;
2) The Holotropic Breathwork® lineage; the history of the healing potential of non-ordinary states;
3) The importance of facilitator presence;
4) An inside look into the framework of a Holotropic Breathwork® session;
5) How to encourage and support the integration of the Holotropic experience; and
6) Holotropic focused release work, including: its history, theory and practice, demonstration, opportunities for participants to practice, discussion of specific challenging situations that facilitators encounter, and ongoing exploration of the way Holotropic Breathwork® can change our life perspective.

The six-day module format is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your process of self-exploration, and to directly experience the healing potential of non-ordinary states using Holotropic Breathwork®. You will meet like-minded people from around the world, and explore together in a safe and supportive environment. You will also learn tools and techniques for living a more creative and fulfilling life, and will have extensive personal contact with some of the best Holotropic facilitators in the country. Each six-day module includes four Holotropic Breathwork® sessions – participants will experience two sessions as a ‘breather’ and two sessions as a ‘sitter’.

In addition to experiencing Holotropic Breathwork®, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in non-ordinary states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

These modules are open events and suitable for both participants interested in the training program and for those interested in the adventure of self-discovery for personal growth.

Registration form 

Early registration by March 15, 2022: triple $1770, double $1870, single $2105
Registration after March 15, 2022: triple $1970, double $2070, single $2305

U.S. in-person module / Music & Transcendence

This module is an exciting and transformative journey through the world of music. Sound and rhythm have always been vital creative and spiritual tools for transformation. Music has even been called the language of the soul. This is a special opportunity to learn first-hand the music structure that defines Holotropic Breathwork® in such a special way.

In addition, we’ll also explore other effective strategies that help make the Holotropic perspective an essential tool for everyday living.

This module includes: 1) Holotropic music: its history, theory and practice, detailed discussion of the three-part structure of a Holotropic Breathwork® music set; with demonstrations of specific pieces for each section; 2) Holotropic group work: it’s history, theory and practice, discussion of common group experiences and challenging situations; 3) COEX systems: how we work with multi-level patterns; 4) demonstration of relaxation; 5) facilitator self -care; 6) Practical workshop information – venue, pricing, promotion, brochure, types of workshops.

The six-day module format is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your process of self-exploration, and to directly experience the healing potential of non-ordinary states using Holotropic Breathwork®. You will meet like-minded people from around the world, and explore together in a safe and supportive environment. You will also learn tools and techniques for living a more creative and fulfilling life, and will have extensive personal contact with some of the best Holotropic facilitators in the country. Each six-day module includes four Holotropic Breathwork® sessions – participants will experience two sessions as a ‘breather’ and two sessions as a ‘sitter’.

In addition to experiencing Holotropic Breathwork®, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

These modules are open events and suitable for both participants interested in the training program and for those interested in the adventure of self-discovery for personal growth.

Registration form

Early registration by March 15, 2022: triple $1770, double $1870, single $2105
Registration after March 15, 2022: triple $1970, double $2070, single $2305

Online / The Art and Practice of Integration

This module, originally scheduled for Joshua Tree, has been changed to Virtual.  We are grateful for your flexibility as we do our best to work with the uncertainty of these times.

In 2020 GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification. This topic is an Optional Module.

The Art and Practice of Integration

with Mireya Alejo

In this virtual module, we will explore the theme of integration through the vehicles of expressive arts, altar and sacred space creation, context setting through Holotropic theory, communion with our “landscape” (where you are located), slowing down and contemplation.  We will also have times for community sharing.

INTEGRATION is a vital component of Holotropic Breathwork practice, as well as any other work in expanded states of consciousness. We are often reminded that preparation, session & integration are all necessary components of any complete transformational experience. Exploration with Holotropic states has impact on the totality of our being and our lives on physical, mental, emotional, environmental and spiritual levels. Giving attention to INTEGRATION offers the potential to enrich our life experience by allowing us to digest, embody and apply to our daily lives the insights and lessons learned while doing in-depth exploratory work.

Our time together will offer valuable tools to support the integration of your personal practice and Holotropic if you are a practitioner. Due to the shift into a virtual module where we are not able to do the breathwork, our time together will still be highly experiential and we will use the fuel of the inner journey of the times we have all been living.   This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for facilitators and any seekers, and offers exciting, creative ways to support groups and individuals through the integration process.

A list of materials to have on hand will be sent to you soon after registering.

No previous artistic or creative experience for this module, all are welcome!

COST: $428
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Meeting times below are in the US Pacific Time Zone as well as the Western European Time Zone:

Thursday opening circle: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe

Friday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific / 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe
Friday – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Saturday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific / 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe
Saturday – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Sunday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific / 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe
Sunday closing circle – 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific / 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe

Feedback from previous participants of the Integration module with Mireya:

“I am so glad I did it as part of my training, as I feel I gained tremendously from it.  I understand the benefits of paying attention to integration in ways I would never have gotten otherwise.”

“I’ve not had a comfortable history with ‘creativity’ & ‘arts’. Mireya presented them as tools of integration in a very holotropic way, creating comfortable & safe set & settings, and gently guiding us through each practice. It was really beautiful and treated much like the breathwork itself, so that for me I could trust that it was all unfolding as I needed and I could appreciate the uniqueness & expression of each of us in the group. I left feeling I could do another week of exploring the practices even more deeply, and I realized how valuable the practice of integration could be rather than the theory of it.”

“In the past I might have said that integrative practices were kind of common sense and I could list any number of them. But something about the way Mireya taught the module really deepened my relationship to the work and opened me to new ways of integrating it.  Many others in the group shared that they also had been stretched in ways they did not anticipate and the very modalities they had been self-conscious about in the past, were about to become a mainstay in their practices of integration.  So…not only a furthering/integrating of their personal growth as the result of the module, but for those who go on to facilitate, it will translate to their participants as well.”

Online / Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation

This module, originally scheduled for Joshua Tree, has been changed to Virtual.  We are grateful for your flexibility as we do our best to work with the uncertainty of the situation.

In 2020 GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification. This topic is a Required Module.

Understanding spiritual emergency is one of the major contributions of the holotropic perspective. Whether you are a professional or a layperson, someone interested in working with or supporting people in transformational crises, or primarily in your own growth, the module offers a rich experience and valuable information. In addition to differentiating between psychosis and spiritual emergency, we’ll also explore the intensely practical aspects of who, in these kinds of crises, can benefit from Holotropic Breathwork® and how best to work with them in their emergencies. This workshop includes a discussion of the concept of spiritual emergency, its manifestations and forms, historical and anthropological perspectives, treatment strategies and work with family and friends.


COST: $398 until January 28; $428 after
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Meeting times below are in the US Pacific Time Zone as well as the Western European Time Zone:

Thursday opening circle: 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Pacific / 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. Western Europe

Friday – 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. US Pacific / 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Western Europe
Friday – 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Pacific / 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. Western Europe
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Saturday – 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. US Pacific / 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Western Europe
Saturday – 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Pacific / 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. Western Europe
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Sunday – 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. US Pacific / 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Western Europe
Sunday closing circle – 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Pacific / 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. Western Europe

Cindy Pickreign

Cindy Pickreign, M.S., M.A. (module facilitator) was born in Upstate NY and raised in Western MA, but has lived her entire adult life in the Pacific Northwest. With a Masters in Computer Science and 25 years in corporate IT, she came to Holotropic Breathwork® quite skeptical but also in great psychological pain. Her breathwork journey has been, at times, truly terrifying – at times, ecstatically joyful – and ultimately, profoundly healing and life changing. Heading back to school at Seattle U, School of Theology and Ministry she earned a M.A. in Transformational Leadership and came to understand that Holotropic Breathwork® was her ministry in this world.

Cindy is currently the President of Breathwork Northwest, a non-profit organization dedicated to Holotropic Breathwork® education and experience in the Pacific Northwest. In this role she regularly organizes and facilitates 1-day workshops, as well as 3-day residential retreats. Cindy has also been supporting all of GTT’s virtual modules since the onset of COVID-19.

Laura Prescott

Laura Prescott has been certified as a Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator since 2013 and is a licensed social worker in Arizona and Colorado. Laura’s teaching is informed by her own history of trauma that led to addiction, homelessness and a foray into the mental health system. The discovery of Holotropic Breathwork® completely changed her life. These experiences have deepened her commitment to ensuring others are provided safe places to heal and thrive. To that end, she has conducted human rights investigations and met with trauma survivors in psychiatric facilities, jails and prisons in over ten countries and thirty states in the US. Over the last three decades, Laura has provided consultation to federal, state and international organizations concerned with developing person-centered, trauma-informed approaches to policy and practice in mental health, substance abuse and correctional systems. Most recently, she has had the opportunity to provide individual therapy, outreach, housing and support for homeless Veterans from the Hopi Nation during the pandemic. Laura is interested in non-medical, cultural-specific, indigenous approaches to recovery, the healing possibilities offered by psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, body-oriented and expressive therapies. She currently lives in a small, rural farming community in southern Colorado where she spends time taking photographs that capture the ever-changing light and seasons.

GTT U.S. (San Francisco) Holotropic Breathwork® – The Holotropic Shift and the Power Within

COST $425 includes Saturday lunch
or use QR code
This is a non-residential workshop, however hotel rooms are available for those coming from a distance (or nearby who want to stay at the venue).
To reserve a hotel room, please call Hotel Reservations at 800.686.3741 and let them know you are attending “Holotropic Breathing Workshop”
Holotropic Breathwork® provides a safe and caring container for deep exploration in an “expanded” or “holotropic” state of consciousness.  A combination of breath and music enables a participant to surrender to a natural process of spiritual and psychological healing. This healing takes many, often mysterious, forms and becomes a collaboration of mind, body, and spirit.
Holotropic Breathwork® is greatly recommended for people seeking meaning and context, people who want to heal from trauma, people who want to access and expand their creativity, and people who are looking for a non-denominational, non-religious, substance-free spiritual path. Long time participants report great positive changes in their lives and a sense of deep spiritual fulfillment.
Holotropic Breathwork® uses deep, effective breathing; a specially designed musical journey; and a safe and supportive setting with a trained staff of facilitators to enable an expanded state of awareness, allowing deep self-exploration and personal transformation. Mandala drawing and group processing of the journey are important integrative elements of the Holotropic process.

The workshop includes preparation, sessions, and integration.  There are two sessions of Holotropic Breathwork, so that each person has one session as a “breather” and one as a “sitter” or partner. Friday evening will present the theory underlying the work, and Sunday will include time for Q & A.

“The workshop was profoundly transformative for me, I am forever grateful for the experiences and for the new found knowledge, strength, and wisdom. Thank you.” – Simona

“I want you know that the San Fran event was the best and the whole group that does the work is more than outstanding. The love and effort is beyond excellant. Thank you.” – David

Your fee includes lunch and a coffee, tea, and snack break on Saturday. Other meals are on your own.

Overnight hotel accommodations are not included, and are optional.  You may choose to book a room at the Embassy Suites, stay elsewhere, or commute from home.

The workshop will be led by Sharanya Naik, who has conducted numerous Holotropic Breathwork workshops in the U.S. and in India for 20 years, and is a part of the Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) staff.  She will be joined by a team if experienced HB facilitators.  Cary Sparks, director of GTT, will also be part of Sunday’s Q&A.

Approximate Schedule

5:30 to 6:30 pm Friday registration
6:30 – 10:00 pm Friday meeting

8:30 am – 12:30 pm Holotropic Breathwork® session 1
12:30 to 1:15 lunch is included
1:30 pm – 5 pm Holotropic Breathwork® session 2
5 pm – 6 pm snack break is included
6 pm-8  pm break into small groups
Dinner is on your own

9:30 am – 10:30 am Sunday small groups
10:45 – 1 pm Sunday large group integration and Q&A
1 pm closing – lunch is on your own