Online / Returning to Brigid’s Hearth: A Time of Rebirth and Re-Emergence

In 2020 GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.

Returning to Brigid’s Hearth: A Time of Rebirth and Re-Emergence
with Cáit Branigan

As the world turns and cycles through the many deep and profound changes we are currently experiencing, challenging us to witness our own truth and the nature of our experience; our flaws and our blind spots, we come again to the rebirth of the new year and the emergence of the Spring. In Ireland, Spring is born in the bitter cold of January with the snowdrops and daffodils, to rise with the strengthening sun to it’s climax at the Spring Equinox. Brigid is the Patron of the Season: Inspirer; Goddess of the Eternal Flame and the Sacred Waters; Bringer of Imbas – the Exalted One – Goddess of the Dawn. As Goddess of the Hearth she teaches us to tend the flame – the fire within, the fire of our spirit – and to share the flame with our communities. She blesses us with insight and wisdom, from the depths to the heights. As we return to her Hearth, we begin our year from the sacred space within ourselves, to seek Imbas – Divine Inspiration – to guide and lead us into the year, that we may face the changes and challenges with her fiery arrow of perception, insight and clarity. With mediation, journey, sound and silence, we will come to Brigid’s Hearth to rebirth ourselves, embodying the fulness of our potential.

COST: $398 until January 7; $428 after
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Meeting times below are in the Pacific Time Zone as well as Dublin time:

Thursday opening circle:   10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time / 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Dublin

Friday – 6:00 – 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time / 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Dublin
Friday – 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time / 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Dublin
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Saturday – 6:00 – 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time / 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Dublin
Saturday – 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time / 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Dublin
There will be an related activity to do on your own

Sunday – 6:00 – 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time / 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Dublin
Sunday closing circle – 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time / 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Dublin

Online / Movie Yoga® Salon #3

Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life.  Movie Yoga is about taking our reactions to any movie, no matter how we feel about it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves, not only for insight but hopefully for transformation.

This will be the third Movie Yoga Salon and it’s been so much fun to gather with the extended Holotropic Breathwork® community in this way.

Welcome video for Movie Yoga Salon #3


1) There is no charge, but you do need to register.  When your registration is sent, you will get basic a chart showing the APS – Awareness Positioning System as explained by Diana in this video.

2) Watch the video, in which Diana Medina tells us how to practice Movie Yoga®. For those who wish to go in-depth on the practice with lots of detail, stories, insight into many films, and overall movie fandom from Tav, the book Movie Yogais available from, from publishers Hanford Mead, or on Amazon.

3) Before the appointed date and time, we all watch the same movie, whenever we want to in our own homes.  Going to repeat that – watch the movie ahead of time! The movie selected for the Movie Yoga Salon #3 is The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind written and directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor. This film is available through Netflix and on YouTube.

4) As you are watching the movie, follow the guidelines Diana has outlined for practicing Movie Yoga®.  Try to have a pen and paper nearby to take notes, for yourself but also in case you wish to share during the get-together.  Remember, this is not primarily about enjoying the movie, although that would be great too. Negative reactions of any sort are great for doing Movie Yoga®!

4) On Sunday, June 14, at 11 am Pacific time, join the Zoom meeting via the link sent in your confirmation email.  We’ll take it from there.  Depending on how many people participate, we will talk a little bit about the practice of Movie Yoga®, and then all can share with each other in small groups and as a larger one, about the experience and our reactions.

5) That’s it!  If you can’t make this one, watch for the next announcement. We hope to continue having Movie Yoga® gatherings together for awhile.


Mason Schreck

Mason Schreck (advisor) is a business strategist with experience as a founder, business developer, and mental health professional. He has a Masters Degree in Integral Counseling Psychology, as well as training in Transpersonal, Guided Imagery, and Expressive Arts therapy. He combines his background in both business and healthcare to assist in advancing the aims of Holotropic Breathwork® more broadly.

New Date! Online / Movie Yoga® Facilitator Training

Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life.  Movie Yoga is about taking our reactions to any movie, no matter how we feel about it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves, not only for insight but hopefully for transformation.

Tav has been leading Movie Yoga® one-day workshops and GTT Movie Yoga® six-day modules for years.  Over the recent weeks of quarantine, many folks have joined in for online Movie Yoga® salons with Diana Medina, Cary Sparks, and Tav.  These free community events have been a joyful and heartfelt way to deeply connect, despite being online.

Because of the interest many people have expressed in sharing Movie Yoga@ with their own groups, we’ve created this online training for those who wish to go deeper into the practice and become Movie Yoga® facilitators themselves. After this training you can work online or in person doing Movie Yoga® events with others.

The virtual training will take place over two days, after which you will be a certified Movie Yoga® facilitator. Two group follow-up sessions of 1 1/2 hours each will be scheduled for further feedback and mentoring.

Schedule (all times Pacific Daylight Time)
1) July 10, approx. 9-12 am and 3-4:30 pm.  In between these two sessions we will all watch the same movie on our own.
2) July 11, approx. 9-12 am and 3-4:30 pm.  In between these two sessions we will all watch the same movie on our own.
3) and 4) Two group follow-up sessions of 1 1/2 hours each, to be scheduled,

Cost: $200 (US). Payment plans and scholarships are available.

Watch this video about the Movie Yoga® Facilitator Training


Online / Jung, Alchemy & the Transformation of Consciousness

For the first time, GTT is offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.


In this Virtual Module, we will explore the world of archetypes, dreams, myths, shadow, symbols, alchemy, individuation, and astrology. It will be a rich, creative journey into the depths of the psyche and the reality of the psychoid, through the work of Carl Jung and alchemy. Our time together will be highly experientially, to intricately support and illuminate our own transformational processes.

We will dive in through living mythic material and symbols that informed Jung and the ancient alchemists. We will also turn to the issues of current times that seek our attention — for transformation in this pregnant darkness — at individual and collective levels.

The focus of this module will include 1) An overview of Carl Jung’s seminal contributions to psychology 2) the power and significance of Jung’s own “spiritual emergency” rooted in and supported by his discovery of the ancient alchemists 3) and deep personal exploration into these alchemical processes using a variety of experiential modalities including Holotropic Breathwork®, Jung’s active imagination, writing, art, dream work, film, meditation, and movement.

It will be enriching for anyone wishing to explore their inner lives in a safe and nourishing setting, as well as those interested in bringing a Jungian perspective into their everyday lives. This will be a wonderful opportunity to have a personal, embodied experience of Jung’s most groundbreaking contributions. The event will provide the ‘alchemical vessel’ for one’s own exploration, integration, and growth.

Attendees of Monika’s Red Book module will find much new, as well as some revisited and expanded, material and practices.


While open to anyone interested, this topic is an Optional Module for anyone wishing to become a certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator.

Thursday evening – opening, 6-9 pm
Friday morning – 9 am-noon
Friday afternoon – 1:30-4:30 pm
Friday evening – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Saturday morning – 9 am-noon
Saturday afternoon – 1:30-4:30 pm
Saturday evening – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Sunday morning – 9 am-noon
Sunday – afternoon – 1:30-4:30 pm, closing

John Stockberger

John Stockberger (module facilitator) is a professional musician, certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator, certified kundalini yoga and meditation teacher and has a healing practice. He has studied with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Qigong, Taiji, Vipassana, Buddha Dharma and traditional Shipibo Conibo healing in the Peruvian rainforest. He teaches and facilitates yoga and breathwork retreats and workshops in the U.S. and abroad.

Mojca Studen

Mojca graduated from the Faculty of Physics at University of Ljubljana, and from the School of Fine Arts-Sculpturing at the same time. She worked as R&D in the field of NIR spectroscopy and capacitive humidity sensors.

From the beginning of her high school years, Mojca was interested in the boundaries and possibilities of human consciousness. She first sought answers in Sri Aurobindo’s and Krishnamurti’s ideas and philosophies. Through these, she began to practice yoga, especially pranayama. She also learned about Buddhism and the practice of getting to know herself through meditation. A happy coincidence brought her into contact with Carlos Castaneda’s books. At first, these were just interesting stories, beyond the boundaries of the possible, fiction, and legends. Curiosity gave her no peace–she made decisions and attended seminars and workshops organized by Carlos Castaneda, Taisha Abelar, and Florinda Donner Grau. Legends thus became a reality, or one of the possible realities.

The next step in learning about human consciousness was the study of transpersonal psychology and involvement in Grof Transpersonal Training and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute. She has the good fortune of drawing her knowledge of transpersonal psychology directly from Dr. Stanislav Grof, who also mentored her Holotropic Breathwork® research.

She combined her knowledge of biophysics and transpersonal psychology into Neuro Training–a technology that uses binaural tones in a unique way. It is designed as a gym for the brain.

The common thread in all of her searching is her hobby and passion: freediving. Through freediving, she’s learned many techniques of self-discovery and met and collaborated with many interesting people, such as Dr. Natalia Molchanov, her son Alexei Molchanov, Dr. Oleg Bahtiarev, and Dr. Hasai Aliev.

Since 2008 she has worked as a transpersonal psychotherapist and has organized various holotropic workshops. She is also an associate teacher at Sigmund Freud University.

Online / Spirit of Place: Exploring Our Ensouled Relationship with Place & Belonging

Starting in 2020, GTT offered real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There is group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions.  Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.


Place is full of significance that is characterized by an acceptance that we simply belong to and identify with it. Place is our home. Join this online community to engage in practices to help us remember our true self, our wholeness, and our deepest sense of belonging.

Our understanding of the spirit of place is supported by the special relationship we foster between our natural surroundings—place—and belonging. Belonging means being present with ourselves, as well as those closest to us (our clan, tribe, family, neighbour, nation). But it is also about being engaged in a colossal cosmic setting—what we call the transpersonal dimensions of our being.

This Virtual Module offers a variety of exciting explorations in the natural world, and within our own being. Through the emergence of what we call ‘our stories’, we can learn to listen deeply to what is most meaningful to us as individuals existing within a greater whole. Storytelling has long been a sacred tradition of indigenous peoples from all lands. It is essential to the health and wellbeing of our collective to develop the co-creative process of bringing the universe into being.

We will spend time outdoors engaging with the natural surroundings in your neighbourhood and share our adventures and discoveries by connecting together through the online video link. Join us in an adventure of self-remembering ‘in place’ to deepen our connections of self with world.

All the teaching is geared to participants having a direct experience of their own journey. We will work with explorations in the natural world, guided journey work, other contemplative practices, movement and ceremony to engage the Holotropic principles in a very personal, embodied way.


While open to anyone interested, this topic is an Optional Module for anyone wishing to become a certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator.

Thursday evening – opening, 6-9 pm
Friday morning – 9 am-noon
Friday afternoon – 1:30-4:30 pm
Friday evening – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Saturday morning – 9 am-noon
Saturday afternoon – 1:30-4:30 pm
Saturday evening – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Sunday morning – 9 am-noon
Sunday – afternoon – 1:30-4:30 pm, closing

Online / Movie Yoga Salon #2

Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life.  Movie Yoga is about taking our reactions to any movie, no matter how we feel about it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves, not only for insight but hopefully for transformation.

The inaugural Movie Yoga get-together was held last week and it was a joy to be able to share our Holotropic spirit in this way! We hoped it would be a vehicle for folks in the Holotropic community to stay connected, as well as to tap into our personal journeys at a time when we aren’t able to hold Holotropic Breathwork® workshops and trainings.


1) There is no charge, but you do need to register.   When your registration is sent, you will get basic a chart showing the APS – Awareness Positioning System as explained by Diana in the video link below. Within a few days, you will also get a Zoom invitation by email.


2) Watch the video via the link below, in which Diana Medina tells us how to practice Movie Yoga®. For those who wish to go in-depth on the practice with lots of detail, stories, insight into many films, and overall movie fandom from Tav, the book Movie Yoga is available from, from publishers Hanford Mead, or on Amazon.


2) Before the appointed date and time, we all watch the same movie, whenever we want to in our own homes.  Going to repeat that – watch the movie ahead of time! The movie selected for the Movie Yoga Salon #2 is Her directed by Spike Jonze. This film should be easily available through Netflix or Amazon Prime.

3) As you are watching the movie, follow the guidelines Diana has outlined for practicing Movie Yoga®.  Try to have a pen and paper nearby to take notes, for yourself but also in case you wish to share during the get-together.  Remember, this is not primarily about enjoying the movie, although that would be great too. Negative reactions of any sort are great for doing Movie Yoga®!

4) On Tuesday, May 19 at 11 am Pacific time, join the Zoom meeting.  We’ll take it from there.  Depending on how many people participate, we will talk a little bit about the practice of Movie Yoga®, and then all can share with each other in small groups and as a larger one, about the experience and our reactions.

5) That’s it!  If you can’t make this one, watch for the next announcement. We hope to continue having Movie Yoga® gatherings together for awhile.