Certification Closing Intensive in the U.S.

This event is for those who have completed the necessary requirements. Because of the unusual nature of the past few years, please contact us about your individual situation if you are close to fulfilling all of your requirements.

To attend certification, you also must:
1) Apply and be accepted to the GTT program. Link to Training Application
2) Apply and be accepted to attend the Certification Intensive. Link to Application for Certification Intensive
3) Register for the Certification Intensive  – once you have applied to attend certification (step 2), you will receive a link to register.   If you have questions about registration, rooming, or cost, please email Janet@holotropic.com

About becoming certified in Holotropic Breathwork

GTT U.S. (CT) Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Retreat


Join us for an extended weekend of Holotropic Breathwork® in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley in springtime.

This event is open to all.  You do not need prior experience with Holotropic Breathwork® and there are no pre-requisites to attend.

NOTE: For those who complete (or have already completed) a GTT Virtual Module, this double-breathwork will fulfill the requirement toward certification.

With Holotropic Breathwork® each participant gains direct access to their own inner healing wisdom. In your HB session, this wisdom brings you a unique and ideal combination of experiences that can include aspects of your personal history and birth, as well as psychological death/rebirth, and an infinite array of transpersonal experiences.

Through deep, effective breathing; a specially designed musical journey; and a safe and supportive setting with a trained staff of facilitators, you experience a true expanded state of awareness, allowing deep self-exploration and personal transformation. Mandala drawing and group processing of the experiences are important integrative elements of the Holotropic process.

GTT U.S. (CT) module / The Power Within: The Practice of Holotropic Breathwork®


Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.

Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.

In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

In this module, Holotropic theory comes alive. It’s where we experience the essence of the practice first hand. We will discuss the principles that support and inform the practice of Holotropic Breathwork® focused release work. Tom will explain the fundamentals of HB and why it is such a special method for personal exploration and healing.  We will also get to practice holotropic focused energy release work.

Topics include:

1) The power of the Inner Healer
2) Facilitator presence and skills
3) Focused energy release work – principles and ethics
4) Focused energy release demonstration and practice (hands-on work by participants)
5) Moving toward closure, and closure
6) Special challenging situations when facilitating

These modules are open events and suitable both for participants in the Holotropic Breathwork® training program, as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation.

GTT U.S. (Southern CA) Module / Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation


Understanding spiritual emergency is one of the major contributions of the holotropic perspective.  Whether you are a professional or a layperson, someone interested in working with or supporting people in transformational crises, or primarily in your own growth, the module offers a rich experience and valuable information. In addition to differentiating between psychosis and spiritual emergency, we’ll also explore the intensely practical aspects of who, in these kinds of crises, can benefit from Holotropic Breathwork® and how best to work with them in their emergencies. This workshop includes a discussion of the concept of spiritual emergency, its manifestations and forms, historical and anthropological perspectives, treatment strategies and work with family and friends.

The six-day module format is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your process of self-exploration, and to directly experience the healing potential of non-ordinary states using Holotropic Breathwork®. You will meet like-minded people from around the world, and explore together in a safe and supportive environment. You will also learn tools and techniques for living a more creative and fulfilling life, and will have extensive personal contact with some of the best Holotropic facilitators in the country. All modules include four Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, two as a ‘breather’ and two as a ‘sitter’, along with valuable time for group sharing.

In addition to experiencing Holotropic Breathwork®, topics explored in this module is especially relevant for anyone working with others in non-ordinary states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

This module is an open event suitable for participants in the training program as well as  for those interested in personal transformation.

GTT U.S. (Southern CA) Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Retreat


Join us for an extended weekend of Holotropic Breathwork® in the warmth of the high desert at the beautiful Royal Way Retreat Center.


This event is open to all.  You do not need prior experience with Holotropic Breathwork® and there are no pre-requisites to attend.

NOTE: For those who complete (or have already completed) a GTT Virtual Module, this double-breathwork will fulfill the requirement toward certification.

With Holotropic Breathwork® each participant gains direct access to their own inner healing wisdom. In your HB session, this wisdom brings you a unique and ideal combination of experiences that can include aspects of your personal history and birth, as well as psychological death/rebirth, and an infinite array of transpersonal experiences.

Through deep, effective breathing; a specially designed musical journey; and a safe and supportive setting with a trained staff of facilitators, you experience a true expanded state of awareness, allowing deep self-exploration and personal transformation. Mandala drawing and group processing of the experiences are important integrative elements of the Holotropic process.

ONLINE / Sacred Geometry and the Inner Healer (Europe and U.S Friendly Meeting Times)


or use the QR code  

Cost is $398 through March 2, $428 after March 2
Discount for certified HB facilitators

In 2020 GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.

This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions; everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.


In this workshop, you are invited to combine the wisdom of sacred geometry, the visualization power of mandalas, and the healing potential of the inner healer to create a truly transformative experience. By integrating these three powerful modalities, you will have the opportunity to deepen your connection to your inner self adn gain a greater understanding of your own unique journey. This can be a profound and life-changing experience, allowing you awaken your inner healer and tap into your own innate wisdom and power.

Integrating the philosophy and spirituality of Sacred Geometry, Mandalas, and the Inner Healer is a unique and powerful experience. Combining these three modalities offers participants the possibility of experiencing increased self-awareness, inner peace, and a greater connection to their own inner wisdom. This workshop is designed for anyone looking to awaken their inner healer and tap into their own innate wisdom and power, for personal insight and transformation.

  • Individually and collectively, we have a rich reservoir of inner healing intelligence
  • The source of who you are at the deepest level is a wellspring of wisdom
  • Mandala Visualisation connects you a sublime force within you which teaches, heals and guides you
  • Living from this place can offer you the courage to be who you truly are
  • Each human being is entirely original, unique and a ‘one of a kind’
  • This Virtual Module is designed to reconnect us with this side of ourselves

The following schedule is for Irish Mean Time.  Please use this website to adjust for your time zone on the dates of the Virtual Module.
Thursday session – opening, 6:30-9:30 pm
Friday session 1 – 2 to 5 pm
Friday session 2 – 6:30-9:30 pm
Saturday session 1 – 2 to 5 pm
Saturday session 2– 6:30-9:30 pm
Sunday session 1 – 2 to 5 pm
Sunday session 2 – 6:30-9:30 pm, closing

Mark Baugh

Mark Baugh (workshop leader) has been managing a retreat centre since 2011 in Scotland, where he offers Holotropic Breathwork® through “Caledonian Holotropic.” Mark was certified by GTT in 2018.

After working his way through a personal crisis in 2001 with the support of deep psychotherapy, a space for spiritual awareness kicked in. He embarked upon a quest to know himself further. Initially coming from a corporate background in the banking sector, he retrained in remedial and manipulative massage; as a couple counsellor with Relate; and also as a Reiki & EFT practitioner. He also trained in Tantra, NVC (Non-violent Communication), and has experienced living in community. He has a dedicated daily meditation practice called Heartfulness which he has been enjoying since 2010.

He started adventuring in holotropic states in 2009 with Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) and from that first experience he was hooked. It was the start of an amazing journey of deeply knowing himself with like-minded others in a very safe space. Early on he decided he would embark on the Grof training programme as one of his ways of being in service.

He is also an associate member of the Institute of Psychedelic Therapy.

GTT U.S. (Colorado) Module / The Power Within: The Practice of Holotropic Breathwork®

Registration and pricing

or use QR code

Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.

Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.

In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

In this module, Holotropic theory comes alive. It’s where we experience the essence of the practice first hand. We will discuss the principles that support and inform the practice of Holotropic Breathwork® focused release work. Diana will explain the fundamentals of HB and why it is such a special method for personal exploration and healing.  We will also get to practice holotropic focused energy release work.

Topics include:

1) The power of the Inner Healer
2) Facilitator presence and skills
3) Focused energy release work – principles and ethics
4) Focused energy release demonstration and practice (hands-on work by participants)
5) Moving toward closure, and closure
6) Special challenging situations when facilitating

These modules are open events and suitable both for participants in the Holotropic Breathwork® training program, as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation.

GTT U.S. (Colorado) Module / The Vessels of Soul’s Wisdom: A Journey Through the Three Cauldrons with Cáit Branigan

Registration and pricing

or use QR code

Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.

Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.

In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

The Three Cauldrons are the repositories of our vital essence, our life-force, our Spirit.  They are vessels of sacredness containing our soul’s vitality, our creative energies and our soul’s experiences as it travels through life.  The Three Cauldrons rest in the physical body, fueling our energy, vocation and capacity for wisdom.

 During the course of our work together we will access our spiritual repository of vision, enlightenment and inspiration; thus allowing it to become a source for the weaving of our life pattern, through daily ritual, creativity (such as art, sound, dance) and the day to day unfolding of the self. During our work, participants will explore shamanism as a spiritual practice and the role of the shamanic journey within that context. Our aim is to ensure the clear and free-flowing nature of our essence and energy through the body; that body being open to the influence of physical, somatic and spiritual blocks.  We will explore each Cauldron – each with its own role and function – through journey, chant ceremony to explore that which lies within.  Through the unfolding of being in conscious awareness, we will hope to become ‘whole unto ourselves’, no longer restricted by patterns existing in unawareness.

 It is hoped that at the conclusion of our work, participants will have the ability to use shamanic techniques to help access and express their own sources of inspiration for use in living creatively, freely and fully from the heart.

Cáit Branigan is a Druid and an Ordained Priestess Hierophant of the Western Mystery Tradition, a Healer working within the traditions of Ireland.  She works with individuals for healing at her centre in Co. Wexford.  She also works with and teaches groups in Ireland aid internationally.  An essential part of her work is in the area of Women’s Mysteries in which she has conducted workshops and ceremonies around the country.  She also facilitates sweat lodges within the Irish Tradition and performs Rites of Passage within the community.  She is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and a member of the Fellowship of Isis.

These modules are open events and suitable both for participants in the Holotropic Breathwork® training program, as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation.