GTT U.S. (Colorado) Module / The Spiritual Quest, Attachment & Addiction

Registration and cost

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Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.

Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.

In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.

New ways to look at psychology and spirituality offer exciting possibilities in the recovery movement, both for individual seekers and for those who work in the treatment field. This workshop explores a whole continuum, from the idea of addiction as an extreme form of attachment, which affects everyone and which is crucial to spiritual seekers of all practices, to the more articulate forms of addiction: substance, process, relationship, and more. Through theory, discussion and experiential exercises, we’ll look at:
(1) the disease paradigm of recovery;
(2) the wellness paradigm and the transpersonal recovery center;
(3) implications of perinatal and transpersonal dimensions for recovery;
(4) the 12 steps as a world yoga;
(5) addiction as spiritual emergency;
(6) addiction as shamanic crisis;
(7) recovery as a mystery school;
(8)  psychedelics and recovery;
(9) recovery and the feminine;
(10) addiction from the homeopathic perspective;
(11) recovery as death/rebirth;
(12) addiction and the global crisis; and more.

These modules are open events and suitable for both participants in the training program as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation.


GTT U.S. (Colorado) Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Retreat


To be on the waiting list, email

Join us for an extended weekend of Holotropic Breathwork® at  Sunrise Ranch Retreat Center, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.


This event is open to all.  You do not need prior experience with Holotropic Breathwork® and there are no pre-requisites to attend.

NOTE: For those who complete (or have already completed) any GTT Virtual Module, this double-breathwork will fulfill the requirement toward certification.

With Holotropic Breathwork® each participant gains direct access to their own inner healing wisdom. In your HB session, this wisdom brings you a unique and ideal combination of experiences that can include aspects of your personal history and birth, as well as psychological death/rebirth, and an infinite array of transpersonal experiences.

Through deep, effective breathing; a specially designed musical journey; and a safe and supportive setting with a trained staff of facilitators, you experience a true expanded state of awareness, allowing deep self-exploration and personal transformation. Mandala drawing and group processing of the experiences are important integrative elements of the Holotropic process.

Approximate daily schedule:

Friday, June 30, 3:30 registration; 4:30 opening circle; 6 pm dinner, followed by preparation for Holotropic Breathwork®
Saturday, July 1, morning: Holotropic Breathwork® session 1; afternoon Holotropic Breathwork® session 2; evening sharing group
Sunday, July 2, morning: Holotropic Breathwork® session 3; afternoon Holotropic Breathwork® session 4; evening sharing group
Monday, July 3, morning integration and closing; ending with lunch

Spain Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

This workshop is recognized as a supplement to the GTT Virtual Modules.

The workshop is suitable for those who want to explore the practice of Holotropic Breathwork® for their own personal development.

It also offers the opportunity to practice the ‘role of the sitter’ according to the requirements of the Holotropic Breathwork® training and, possibly, other psychedelic-assisted therapy trainings.

Double workshop: 4 breathwork sessions (2 as breathers and 2 as sitters holding space).

The workshop consists of Holotropic Breathwork® sessions with evocative music, bodywork, mandala drawing, and group sharing.

GTT Austria Module / The Art of Healing Voice with Cáit Branigan

Sound is one of the most important aspects of shamanic practice. The primal sound of the universe is to be heard in the stillness of meditation. Each aspect and being of the cosmos has its own sound, its own song, which may be heard by those who simply choose to listen. The use of the voice to heal, to express our innermost being and spirituality, is often neglected. Yet, the voice mirrors the soul and to sing is to touch the deepest parts of ourselves. The healing song is a very powerful tool which speaks directly to the soul of an individual, bypassing all other barriers or inhibitions.

In the course of this workshop, we shall explore the use of the voice in shamanic practice. We will use toning and keening techniques to access our inner worlds along with exploring the use of chant to heal and unblock our energetic bodies.

GTT Austria Module / Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation

Understanding spiritual emergency is one of the major contributions of the Holotropic perspective. Whether you are a professional or a layperson, someone interested in working with or supporting people in transformational crises, or primarily in your own growth, the module offers a rich experience and valuable information.
We will be presenting the classical differentiation between psychosis and spiritual emergency. And also explore together the many questions that the subject raises and the intensely practical aspects of who, in these kinds of crises, can benefit from Holotropic Breathwork® and how best to support a person in these emergencies.
This workshop includes a discussion of the concept of spiritual emergency, examples, manifestations, psychological perspectives, strategies and support to family and friends.

Furthermore, we will experience the healing powers of expanded states of consciousness in 4 Holotropic Breathwork sessions (2 as a breather and 2 as a sitter).
To participate, you don’t need any previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork. If you feel drawn, you are welcome!

For those interested in becoming a GTT certified facilitator please note that “Spiritual Emergency” is one of the four mandatory modules for the training.

GTT Poland in-person module / The Holotropic Paradigm: The Psyche, the Inner Healer & Moving Towards Wholeness

Additional information and registration link

This module offers an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®.

Topics included:

  1. Origin of Holotropic Breathwork.
  2. Holotropic Principles and Holotropic Strategy.
  3. The Inner Healer.
  4. Cartography.
  5. Perinatal Matrices.
  6. COEX Systems.
  7. Holotropic Lineage.
  8. Therapeutic mechanisms operating in Holotropic Breathwork.

During the course of the six-day workshop, each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather”, and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork experiences and the topics covered (described above), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the workshop.

This is one of the four mandatory modules to become a HB certified facilitator.

To participate in the module it is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathwork. It is required to complete a brief confidential medical form. If you wish to continue with the Grof Transpersonal Training, this module is one of the four mandatory required.

UK Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

Join Mark Baugh from Caledonian Holotropic and GTT staff member Nora McDonnell  to surf your inner landscape in holotropic states of consciousness. The vehicle is your body – the technology is Holotropic Breathwork® – the fuel is your breath.

This double breathwork event is approved to complete Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT)  virtual module requirement for those on the facilitator training programme. It is open to anyone not on the training too. It includes preparation, session and integration. Each participant will breathe twice and sit twice.

The breathwork weekend:

  • Arrival at the venue from 4.30pm and by 5.30pm on Thursday for opening circle and breathwork preparation
  • Breathwork – one session on Friday morning and one in the afternoon and the same on Saturday
  • Integration starts with mandala drawing after each breathwork session
  • Sharing circle then free time on the 2nd evening and celebration dance on the final evening
  • Integration continues with a sharing circle on Sunday morning completing with lunch at 1pm.

Safety is priority and as part of that participants need to complete a medical form as part of the registration. There also needs to be a commitment to fully attend the whole event.

Registration and information