This workshop is recognized as a supplement to the GTT Virtual Modules
Certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitators and those active in Grof Transpersonal Training are eligible for a discount of $100
This workshop is recognized as a supplement to the GTT Virtual Modules
Certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitators and those active in Grof Transpersonal Training are eligible for a discount of $100
Join us for an extended weekend of Holotropic Breathwork® in the warmth of the high desert at the beautiful Royal Way Retreat Center.
This event is open to all. You do not need prior experience with Holotropic Breathwork® and there are no pre-requisites to attend.
NOTE: For those who complete (or have already completed) a GTT Virtual Module, this double-breathwork will fulfill the requirement toward certification.
For those who are interested, we recommend pairing this retreat with the Spiritual Emergency Virtual Module that will be held the weekend before this one.
With Holotropic Breathwork® each participant gains direct access to their own inner healing wisdom. In your HB session, this wisdom brings you a unique and ideal combination of experiences that can include aspects of your personal history and birth, as well as psychological death/rebirth, and an infinite array of transpersonal experiences.
Through deep, effective breathing; a specially designed musical journey; and a safe and supportive setting with a trained staff of facilitators, you experience a true expanded state of awareness, allowing deep self-exploration and personal transformation. Mandala drawing and group processing of the experiences are important integrative elements of the Holotropic process.
Approximate daily schedule:
Thursday, February 16, 3:30 registration; 4:30 opening circle; 6 pm dinner, followed by preparation for Holotropic Breathwork®
Friday, February 17, morning: Holotropic Breathwork® session 1; afternoon Holotropic Breathwork® session 2; evening sharing group
Saturday, February 18, morning: Holotropic Breathwork® session 3; afternoon Holotropic Breathwork® session 4; evening sharing group
Sunday, February 19; morning integration and closing; ending with lunch
For those who have completed the necessary requirements.
To attend certification, you also must:
1) have applied and been accepted to GTT
2) have applied and been accepted to attend the Certification Intensive
3) register for the Certification Intensive with GTT
This workshop is recognized as a supplement to the GTT Virtual Modules.
During this module, you will experience four Holotropic Breathwork®, two as a “breather” and two as a partner, or “sitter.”
The season of Samhain, and the festival which marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year, is one of four important festivals in Irish tradition: Imbolc (Spring); Bealtaine (Summer); Lughnasadh (Autumn) and Samhain (Winter).
During this module, you will experience four Holotropic Breathwork®, two as a “breather” and two as a partner, or “sitter.”
This module is an exciting and transformative journey through the world of music. Sound and rhythm have always been vital creative and spiritual tools for transformation. Music has even been called the language of the soul. This is a special opportunity to learn first-hand the music structure that defines Holotropic Breathwork® in such a special way.
In addition, we’ll also explore other exciting strategies that help make the Holotropic perspective an essential tool for everyday living.
This module includes: 1) Holotropic music: its history, theory and practice, detailed discussion of the three part structure of a Holotropic Breathwork® music set; with demonstrations of specific pieces for each section; 2) Holotropic group work: it’s history, theory and practice, discussion of common group experiences and challenging situations; 3) COEX systems: how we work with multi-level patterns; 4) demonstration of relaxation; 5) facilitator self -care; 6) Practical workshop information – venue, pricing, promotion, brochure, types of workshops.
Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.
Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.
In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.
This module is an exciting and transformative journey through the world of music and how it is used for work in expanded states of consciousness. Sound and rhythm have always been vital creative and spiritual tools for transformation. Music has even been called the language of the soul. This is a special opportunity to learn first-hand the music structure that defines Holotropic Breathwork® in such a special way.
In addition, we’ll also explore other effective strategies that help make the Holotropic perspective an essential tool for everyday living.
This module includes: 1) Holotropic music: its history, theory and practice, detailed discussion of the three-part structure of a Holotropic Breathwork® music set; with demonstrations of specific pieces for each section; 2) Holotropic group work: it’s history, theory and practice, discussion of common group experiences and challenging situations; 3) COEX systems: how we work with multi-level patterns; 4) demonstration of relaxation; 5) facilitator self -care.
The six-day module format is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your process of self-exploration, and to directly experience the healing potential of non-ordinary states using Holotropic Breathwork®. You will meet like-minded people from around the world, and explore together in a safe and supportive environment. You will also learn tools and techniques for living a more creative and fulfilling life, and will have extensive personal contact with some of the best Holotropic facilitators in the country.
These modules are open events and suitable for both participants in the training program as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation.
Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.
Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter”. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the module.
In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® breathing and sitting, topics explored in these modules are especially relevant for anyone working with others in expanded states of any sort for transformation and personal healing.
This module offers an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®.
Topics covered include:
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Psychedelic Integration: Psychotherapy for Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness is a trailblazing guidebook for anyone interested in psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration.
When psychologist and psychotherapist Marc B. Aixalà began fielding questions from people around the world seeking help integrating their own psychedelic experiences, he couldn’t find a singular source of collected research and support. What began as an attempt to help others became Psychedelic Integration, a work that traces the evolution of psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration research from the 1960s to the present moment, explains therapeutic techniques and outlines a clinician’s real-world observations on the deep work of healing.
Written for practitioners and the generally curious, this book offers 11 metaphors for understanding integration and concisely explains the seven dimensions of integration, which Aixalá sees as part of a process inextricably linked to preparation and the psychedelic session experience.