GTT Online / Holotropics and SoulCollage® – A Virtual Module and Workshop

COST: $398 EXTENDED until October 10; $428 after October 10
Discount for certified HB practitioners


Supply list will be sent upon registration, with Zoom link to follow.

In this Virtual Module, we will experience the dynamic expressive arts self-discovery method of SoulCollage®, a creative practice that helps us view and listen to the feelings and counsel of our many parts.  SoulCollage® is wonderfully compatible with the principles and practice of Holotropic Breathwork® and is a valuable addition to your tools for personal transformation, and for the integration of your journeys in expanded states of consciousness.

During our time together, we will have group interaction, discussion, card making, card reading, and other experiential sessions.  Holotropic Breathwork® is not included, since it cannot be done virtually.

Note that in addition to being a GTT Virtual Module, this is an introductory SoulCollage® workshop. It can be used as the required workshop to attend SoulCollage® certification. However this event is not itself training to work with others using this method. For more on SoulCollage® including certification trainings, see World Of SoulCollage.

This Virtual Module is open to anyone interested, and can be a stand-alone event. However, there is also the option to use it as a module that counts toward your GTT certification as a Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator.  In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in a GTT approved double-breathwork workshop.  Up to two Virtual  Modules+Double-HB workshops can be used toward your training.

Meeting times below are in the U.S. Pacific Time Zone as well as the Western European Time Zone:

Thursday opening circle: 11:30 – 2:30 p.m. U.S. Mountain (7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe)

Friday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific (3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe)
Friday – 11:30 – 2:30 p.m. U.S. Pacific (7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe)

Saturday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific (3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe)
Saturday – 11:30 – 2:30 p.m. U.S. Pacific (7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe)

Sunday – 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. US Pacific (3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Western Europe)
Sunday closing circle – 11:30 – 2:30 p.m. U.S. Pacific (7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Western Europe)

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

GTT Online / Movie Yoga® Virtual Module

COST: $398 until November 10; $428 after November 10
Discount for certified HB practitioners


Or use QR code
Led by Diana Medina

Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life.  Movie Yoga is about taking our feelings about any movie, no matter how we react to it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves.

Tav led Movie Yoga® one-day workshops and GTT Movie Yoga® six-day modules for years, and many folks have joined in for free online Movie Yoga® salons with GTT staff and friends starting in 2020, when we couldn’t meet easily in person.  These community events have been a joyful and heartfelt way to deeply connect, despite being online.

Because many people have said they would like to share Movie Yoga@ with their own groups, we’ve created this online training for those who wish to go deeper into the practice and become Movie Yoga® facilitators themselves. After this training you will be certified to work online or in person doing Movie Yoga® events with others.

This Virtual Module is open to anyone interested, and can be a stand-alone event. However, there is also the option to use it as a module counting toward GTT certification as a Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator.  In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in a GTT approved double-breathwork workshop.  Up to two Virtual  Modules+Double-HB workshops can be used toward your training.

During our time together, we will have group interaction, teaching, movies and/or movie clips and other experiential sessions.  Holotropic Breathwork® sessions are not included, since HB cannot be done virtually.

To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.

Time Zone Chart for Movie Yoga®

If you do not live in either of these time zones, please calculate each meeting time in accordance to your time zone.

Day 1 U.S. Mountain Time Zone Western Europe Time Zone
Opening Circle Thursday, December 1st Thursday, December 1st
12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Day 2    
Friday, December 2nd Friday, December 2nd
Meeting Time 1 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Time 2 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Day 3    
Saturday, December 3rd Saturday, December 3rd
Meeting Time 1 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Time 2 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Day 4    
Sunday, December 4th Sunday, December 4th
Meeting Time 1 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Time 2 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.

GTT Module (U.S.) / The Integration of Expanded States of Consciousness: A Holotropic Approach

“Integration” is a vital component of Holotropic Breathwork® practice, as well as any other work in expanded states of consciousness. We are often reminded that preparation, session & integration are all necessary components of any complete transformational experience. Exploration with holotropic states has impact on the totality of our being and our lives on physical, mental, emotional, environmental and spiritual levels. Giving attention to integration offers the potential to enrich our life experience by allowing us to digest, embody and apply to our daily lives the insights and lessons learned while doing in-depth exploratory work. We will create a safe, supportive, sacred, contemplative, and playful container, that will invite spaciousness for absorbing, being with, and processing what occurs before, during and after Holotropic sessions. The retreat will be highly experiential and offers valuable tools to support the integration of your personal Holotropic practice. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for facilitators and any seekers, and offers exciting, creative ways to support groups and individuals through the integration process. The module includes four Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, two as a ‘breather’ and two as a ‘sitter’, along with valuable time for group sharing. 

Note: Space is limited to 30 participants
Cost per module* $1150 through August 25 / $1350 after August 25
Certified facilitators $950 early / $1150 full

*Sunrise Ranch is a new venue to us this year and your lodging and meal accommodations are made directly through them, via a link in your confirmation email when you register for the module. Modules at Sunrise Ranch include 6 nights and begin with dinner and a session after dinner on the first night.  Lodging & meal cost per module (6 nights, all meals) range from $456 to $1080.

GTT in-person module Poland / A Holotropic Approach to Psychedelics: Past, Current and Future

In recent years, we have witnessed a renewed interest in psychedelic therapy and research being called “the psychedelic renaissance.” Many people are discovering the potential benefits of psychedelic substances and master plants, and shamanism has become an increasingly sought method for healing. Dozens of clinical trials study the efficacy of psychedelic medicines such as MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine to treat serious conditions like PTSD and treatment-resistant depression. At the same time, the importance of Stanislav Grof’s Holotropic Paradigm and of Holotropic Breathwork® in the development of the psychedelic field still remains unknown to many.
With respect to this new era of psychedelics, those of us involved with the Holotropic paradigm have much to contribute and consider. How do psychedelics compare with or compliment Holotropic Breathwork® as tools for personal development? What is the role of Holotropic Breathwork® now that psychedelics are becoming an accessible therapeutic method? How is the future of Holotropic Breathwork® affected, now that more people can access deep experiences through psychedelics and master plants?
In this module we will explore in depth:
  • The different paradigms in which psychedelics have been used, and are currently used.
  • General characteristics of the main psychedelic medicines and the process they induce.
  • The use of psychedelics from the Holotropic Paradigm developed by Grof, Sparks, and others.
  • How do psychedelics compare to Holotropic Breathwork®?
  • The principles of supporting processes from the Holotropic perspective.
  • Dealing with challenging situations.
  • The importance of integration of psychedelic experiences.

Cost for this module is 1260 Euro.
Cost is reduced for those from Poland, Ukraine, and other Eastern European countries; contact organizer for details.

Marc B. Aixalà (see full bio here) is a GTT module leader trained in the therapeutic use of Non Ordinary States of Consciousness; in MDMA assisted-psychotherapy for PTSD by MAPS;  and in the use of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Marc works as a therapist and mentor in a clinical trial with psilocybin in Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona. He has experience as a Team Leader and Trainer helping people through difficult psychedelic experiences at Boom Festival (Kosmicare 2010-2016).

Marc collaborates with ICEERS (International Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research and Service) by offering integration psychotherapy for people in challenging situations after psychedelic experiences, developing theoretical models of intervention and training and supervising therapists. He is the author of “Psychedelic Integration: non-ordinary logics and the challenges of psychotherapy in expanded states of awareness”.

Ireland Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

This workshop is recognized as a supplement to the GTT Virtual Modules.

The weekends run from Thursday evening at 7 pm to Sunday afternoon around 2 pm, finishing after lunch, with two breathing and two sitting sessions per person.

Participants come from all walks of life because they either feel blocked or that there is more to life than they currently understand. Finding your inner healer is a great form of self-empowerment.

Workshops start with a welcome meditation and an introduction to the theory and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®, offering a chance for people to ask questions and to get to know each other.

The breathwork takes place in pairs. When one partner breathes the other will sit and in the next session the roles are reversed. Sessions last approximately three hours. Participants are encouraged to allow whatever is happening to emerge as they breathe deeper and faster. Occasionally energy release work is needed to move past a blockage and the facilitators will provide assistance if required.

After each breathing session there is time to capture the experience through art work and mandala drawing. During the group sharing sessions the participants are free to share as much or as little as they wish.

The workshops are set up to create a deep sense of support and safety for participants, which facilitates the exploration of consciousness and deeper levels of awareness. To see photos of the centre click here.

Rachel Bongartz

Rachel Bongartz (facilitator) was born (1981) and raised in Belgium, experienced Holotropic Breathwork® for the first time in 2005 and from then on it has become an important part of her life. She studied Clinical Psychology and later obtained a second Master in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. In August 2016, she accomplished the Grof Transpersonal Training and became a facilitator in Holotropic Breathwork®. She lives in Berlin and Belgium. Self-awareness and spiritual growth is very important to her. She is a passionate 5 Rhythms dancer and she has experienced that expanded holotropic states of consciousness carry the potential for healing and self-fulfilment.

Ireland Holotropic Breathwork® Double-Breathwork Weekend Workshop

This workshop is recognized as a supplement to the GTT Virtual Modules.

The weekends run from Thursday evening at 7 pm to Sunday afternoon around 2 pm, finishing after lunch, with two breathing and two sitting sessions per person.

Participants come from all walks of life because they either feel blocked or that there is more to life than they currently understand. Finding your inner healer is a great form of self-empowerment.

Workshops start with a welcome meditation and an introduction to the theory and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®, offering a chance for people to ask questions and to get to know each other.

The breathwork takes place in pairs. When one partner breathes the other will sit and in the next session the roles are reversed. Sessions last approximately three hours. Participants are encouraged to allow whatever is happening to emerge as they breathe deeper and faster. Occasionally energy release work is needed to move past a blockage and the facilitators will provide assistance if required.

After each breathing session there is time to capture the experience through art work and mandala drawing. During the group sharing sessions the participants are free to share as much or as little as they wish.

The workshops are set up to create a deep sense of support and safety for participants, which facilitates the exploration of consciousness and deeper levels of awareness. To see photos of the centre click here.

Austria Holotropic Breathwork® Weekend Workshop


Information and registration

This double Holotropic Breathwork® workshop allows for self-healing and self-exploration as well as accessing the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. During this workshop two breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter) will allow you in a very safe setting to access expanded states of consciousness, in which your own wisdom connects with your inner healing and inner transforming power. This healing wisdom guides the experiences towards those aspects which carry a charge, and are ready to be processed or integrated. Holotropic Breathwork® might be of interest if

  • You are seeking a more experiential approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy.
  • You are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights.
  • You want to release unresolved issues from the past.
  • You want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical / psychosomatic condition.
  • You want to expand your consciousness and further explore your spiritual path.


The workshop starts on Thursday at 5:30 pm and closes on Sunday  around 1 pm.

Thursday evening: Opening Circle, getting to know each other, collage making and introduction to Holotropic Breathwork® until around 10 pm.

Friday and Saturday: four breathwork sessions:  two times “breathing” and two times: “sitting”. Integration will happen through artwork, sharing (as much or as little as you like) and body movement. Information on integration and self-care will be given.

Sunday: sharing and closing circle and practical information on integration.

The workshop will be held in English with translation to German if needed.

All participants agree to staying for the whole workshop (Friday and Saturday); we do not offer an option for partial participation.

Austria Holotropic Breathwork® Weekend Workshop


Information and registration

This double Holotropic Breathwork® workshop allows for self-healing and self-exploration as well as accessing the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. During this workshop two breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter) will allow you in a very safe setting to access expanded states of consciousness, in which your own wisdom connects with your inner healing and inner transforming power. This healing wisdom guides the experiences towards those aspects which carry a charge, and are ready to be processed or integrated. Holotropic Breathwork® might be of interest if

  • You are seeking a more experiential approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy.
  • You are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights.
  • You want to release unresolved issues from the past.
  • You want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical / psychosomatic condition.
  • You want to expand your consciousness and further explore your spiritual path.


The workshop starts on Thursday at 5:30 pm and closes on Sunday  around 1 pm.

Thursday evening: Opening Circle, getting to know each other, collage making and introduction to Holotropic Breathwork® until around 10 pm.

Friday and Saturday: four breathwork sessions:  two times “breathing” and two times: “sitting”. Integration will happen through artwork, sharing (as much or as little as you like) and body movement. Information on integration and self-care will be given.

Sunday: sharing and closing circle and practical information on integration.

The workshop will be held in English with translation to German if needed.

All participants agree to staying for the whole workshop (Friday and Saturday); we do not offer an option for partial participation.