Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life

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This amazing book will change the way you think of movies and human transformation and the dynamic relationship between these two realms forever.  Learn how to turn on your inner Awareness Positioning System (APS) and discover your own life by watching it play out in film, frame by frame.

An international workshop leader, and owner and Director of Grof Transpersonal Training, a program which offers certification in Holotropic Breathwork, Sparks’ depth of experience and writing expertise make Movie Yoga a fun, deep and inspiring ride. A five-star read!

Also available: Tav Sparks Talks About MOVIE YOGA – CD

Gary Ford

Gary Ford (module facilitator) commenced Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) in 2010, and completed the GTT Certification Program (USA) in 2015. Gary has apprenticed with GTT for several years, and commenced working on staff with Grof Transpersonal Training Australia in 2017.

In addition, Gary has completed the Trauma Release Global Certification Program (TRE) for trauma/ tension/stress release exercises. In 2012 – 2014, Gary completed the Transpersonal & Emotional Release Counselling Level 1 program (TERC).

He has been involved in his own personal journey work for many years and has regularly participated in Men’s Groups, Rites of Passage, and other public personal growth workshops since 2004.

Gary has a particular passion for Archetypal Astrology, men’s growth & healing work, transformative practices, and general stress reduction strategies and management.

Geoff Fitzpatrick

Geoff Fitzpatrick B.A. (guest teacher) is a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner, who has studied psychology in Trinity College Dublin, and is a Graduate of the Milltown Institute of Theology where he studied spiritual enrichment. He has an active interest in modern consciousness research. He has been constructing mandalas for 10 years and is driven to promote the transformative potential of these sacred circles.

“I have two great passions, one is the exploration of consciousness the other is the construction of mandalas. In effect these are two sides of the same coin. The first time I saw a mandala was about 25 years ago. A group of Tibetan Monks came to Trinity College Dublin. They spent a week creating a magnificent Kalachakra sand mandala. I was mesmerised by the experience, the colours, the shapes and the sound of the chak purs are as vivid in my memory today as they were all that time ago. It was eight years later in that very same university whilst studying psychology I came across mandalas for a second time. I studied the work of Carl Jung and Stanislav Grof both of whom saw the mandala as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool. The depths of the psyche that I touch when constructing mandalas are similar in tonality to those from breathwork. I have borrowed heavily from the map of consciousness drafted by Stan Grof to navigate my way through the experiences activated whilst constructing mandalas.

But the greatest teachers for me have been the shapes themselves – The geometric symbols that date back into our prehistory and their origins dwell in the very fabric of what creates the universe itself. Nothing has exposed me to more mystery or opened me to greater depths of inner experience than working with these symbols. The sum total of my seeking, the knowledge gleaned from the courses, workshops of all kinds, powerful peak experiences and exposure to enlightened teachers can be distilled down to one very simple thing…….I believe there is a greater wisdom available to us at all times. The thing is, this higher wisdom is easier to experience than it is to explain.”

Thomas Francescott

Dr. Tom Francescott, ND (module leader and facilitator).  Dr. Tom is  naturopathic and intuitive doctor specializing in natural and compassionate care for the body, mind, and spirit through the use of science-based wisdom and naturopathic principles, mindfulness techniques, and traditional healing methods. He graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington in 1999 with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and continues ongoing advanced training in Qigong healing, shamanism, and functional medicine. Dr. Tom is the  founder and director of Dr. Tom’s Tonics a healing center and natural pharmacy in the village of Rhinebeck, NY where he sees a wide range of clients, with a clinical focus on chronic lyme disease, adrenal fatigue, and complex health challenges. 

In 2004, Tom began his personal journey with Holotropic Breathwork® after the loss of his sister. After having a “lifechanging” experience on the mat, he knew that Holotropic Breathwork® was to play a pivotal role in his life and his private practice. In 2007 he became certified as a Holotropic Breathwork® practitioner. Since then, Tom has helped facilitate many GTT modules, as well as certification. Independently, he loves to offer is own Holotropic Breathwork workshops around the world weaving various wisdom practices. On  a personal note, Tom and his husband Vincenzo enjoy living in Rhinebeck, NY  in the Hudson Valley, where Tom was born and raised. In his free time, Tom loves his Italian roots, traveling (especially to Italy), and having spiritual adventures.

Deb Harman

Deb Harman (module facilitator) worked in the National Heath Service for over 30 years. Her career included many years as a Paramedic,  and a number of  Executive Director positions both within the Ambulance Service and later in a Mental Health Trust. Following her retirement from the NHS Deb trained in cranio sacral therapy and now runs a private practice as a Cranio-sacral Therapist.

Deb certified as a Holotropic Breathwork Practitioner in 2011.  She is passionate about the possibilities and hope that this transformative work offers and she facilitates at various GTT Holotropic Breathwork trainings around the world. Together with Holly, Deb  provides workshops and individual Holotropic Breathwork sessions in the UK.

Considering Holotropic Breathwork™ Essays and Articles on the Therapeutic and Sociological Functions and Effects of the Grof Breathwork

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166 pages

Included in this volume  is the full description of the author’s study while facilitating Holotropic Breathwork at a residential substance abuse recovery program, an article on Jung’s Fourth (Inferior) Function as a gateway for breathwork experience, an in-depth   exploration of the value of sitting for another in Holotropic Breathwork, and much material on the function of Holotropic Breathwork in trauma recovery.

Holly Harman

Holly Harman (teacher; advisor) has a first degree in Psychology and  is a Registered Mental Health Nurse. She worked in clinical and senior leadership roles in various acute mental health settings within the National Health Service  for 20 years and now  works as an independent consultant  in both the public and private sectors.

Holly has facilitated at training modules around the world. She has been co-leading the training in India since 2013.

Holly combines a commitment to her own inner work with a passion for supporting others on their journeys, and for raising awareness of Grof Holotropic Breathwork around the world. In addition to her extensive work overseas,  Holly  runs Holotropic Breathwork workshops in the UK through HolotropicUK

Janet Kingsley

Janet Kingsley (office manager and facilitator) Janet first ventured onto a Holotropic Breathwork® mat in 2010. Being a lifelong journeyer into the transpersonal, she knew she had found her place to be, as a breather, a sitter being witness to a breather, and as a facilitator creating and holding the setting for others to journey through their consciousness.  In 2015 she was offered a place on the GTT team, first as the registrar, and then in 2020 as the office manager.  July of 2017 found Janet fully certified.  She fully engages with the Holotropic Paradigm as a way of embracing everyday life.

Minnesota is Janet’s birth home, but Washington State is home to her soul.  Outside of work, she spends her time gardening, preserving food, cooking gastric delights, collecting rocks, adoring and interacting with her family and friends and caring for the furry four-legged children that surround her

Peter Köllerer

Peter Köllerer (facilitator) For more than 20 years Peter’s passion has been exploring consciousness and the nature of reality or Self. He became a coach and mental trainer in the late ‘90s and discovered non-ordinary states of consciousness at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, where for about 10 years he explored subjects such as guidance, soul retrieval, manifestation, releasing beliefs, remote viewing and first and foremost investigating our essential nature.

Peter sees mindfulness as a life motto and has practised Vipassana and other forms of meditation and spiritual approaches for many years. His teachers include Kurt Tepperwein, Eckhart Tolle, Peter Russell, Adyashanti, Jack Kornfield, Rupert Spira and of course Stanislav Grof. In 2013 Peter became a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner and has been facilitating workshops and modules in various countries ever since.

Peter studied Law in Linz, San Diego and Oxford. He is a recording
artist and music producer and also works an office job, taking care of
properties and investments.

For more than 20 years Peter’s passion has been exploring consciousness and the nature of reality or Self. He became a coach and mental trainer in the late ‘90s and discovered non-ordinary states of consciousness at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, where for about 10 years he explored subjects such as guidance, soul retrieval, manifestation, releasing beliefs, remote viewing and first and foremost investigating our essential nature.

Peter sees mindfulness as a life motto and has practised Vipassana and other forms of meditation and spiritual approaches for many years. His teachers include Kurt Tepperwein, Eckhart Tolle, Peter Russell, Adyashanti, Jack Kornfield, Rupert Spira and of course Stanislav Grof. In 2013 Peter became a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner and has been facilitating workshops and modules in various countries ever since.

Peter studied Law in Linz, San Diego and Oxford. He is a recording
artist and music producer and also works an office job, taking care of
properties and investments.