Houston January Stan Grof & Tav Sparks Holotropic Breathwork weekend


January 22-24, 2016 :: Houston, Texas

With Holotropic Breathwork, each participant gains direct access to his or her own inner healing wisdom. During your session, this wisdom brings you a unique and ideal combination of experiences that can include aspects of your personal history, psychological death and rebirth, transpersonal interconnections, and the greater reality to which we all belong. Through simple breathing, along with a specially designed musical journey, and a safe and supportive setting with a trained staff of facilitators, you experience a true non-ordinary state of consciousness, allowing deep self-exploration, personal transformation, and healing. Mandala drawing and group processing of the experiences are additional important elements of the Holotropic process.

Weekend Workshop Details

COST: $325 before December 10, $375 after. Or attend just the Friday night lecture: $15. 

FRIDAY: January 22

6:30 pm – 10:15 pm (open to public from 6:30 to 8:15, $15, pre-registration not required)

SATURDAY, January 23

8:45 am – 8:00 pm (boxed lunch provided)

SUNDAY, January 24

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

LOCATION: Hyatt North Houston Hotel. All events will be held at the Hyatt North Houston Hotel, located at 425 N. Sam Houston Pkwy, East. For group room rate, click here. Travel and additional workshop information will accompany your confirmation email.


CEU’s available: 16. This event counts as one workshop towards GTT facilitator certification.

The workshop begins Friday evening with a talk by Stan, “The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.” Non-workshop participants may attend this 90 minute talk for $15. Following the talk, those taking the full workshop will stay to begin preparation for the breathwork.

January 22, 2016 :: Houston, Texas

The hidden power in film can be life changing. Learn this effective, simple and entertaining strategy to move toward wholeness; for yourself or with others.

Day-long Workshop Details

COST: $95 before December 10th, $115 after.

FRIDAY: January 22

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

LOCATION: Hyatt North Houston Hotel. All events will be held at the Hyatt North Houston Hotel, located at 425 N. Sam Houston Pkwy, East. For group room rate, click here. Travel and additional workshop information will accompany your confirmation email.

For information or to register, call or email 415 383-8779 / workshop@holotropic.com, or fax to 415 383-0965.

Registration is a two-step process, 1) complete and return the forms linked here, and 2) use the button below to make payment by Paypal (or contact us for other ways to pay). Earlybird rates are through December 10.

Use the dropdown menu to select one or both workshops.

Please note: relative contraindications for Holotropic Breathwork are pregnancy, heart disease, or history of severe emotional disorder. Please contact us in advance if you think any of these apply to you.

Certification closing intensive

Closed group for first India cohort completing the GTT requirements
Don Bosco Centre for Psychology and Spirituality, Kerala, SOUTH INDIA

Death and Dying

In this slide-illustrated module, we will explore the observations from various areas of modern consciousness research, such as psychedelic research, thanatology, shamanic studies, experiential psychotherapies, and the work with people in psycho-spiritual crises („spiritual emergencies“) that have important implications for the understanding of death and dying. We will focus on such topics as survival of consciousness after death, „dying before dying,“ near-death experiences (NDE), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), the process of psycho-spiritual death and rebirth, psychedelic therapy with terminal cancer patients, karma and reincarnation, inter-dimensional trans communication (ITC), ancient mysteries of death and rebirth, aboriginal rites of passage, eschatological mythologies, and the ancient books of the dead (Egyptian, Tibetan, Mayan, Aztec, and the European Ars moriendi).

Modul is lead by

DIANE HAUG, MA, LPCC, a senior member of the Grof Transpersonal Training staff.

Psychotherapist living near Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Participating in the first three-year transpersonal training program with Stan and Christina Grof, Diane has been deeply involved with the international breathwork community in Czech Republic, Scandinavia, Russia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Spain and Italy. Within the Grof community Diane has developed training modules including Shamanism: An Exploration of Traditional Wisdom; The Art of Integration; The Psychedelic Experience: Promises and Perils; and Living With Dying. She is currently an adjunct faculty member with Southwestern College in Santa Fe, New Mexico as well as the Executive Director of the Ocamora Retreat Center in Ocate, New Mexico.