COST: $428
Discount for certified HB practitioners
Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life. Movie Yoga is about taking our feelings about any movie, no matter how we react to it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves.
Tav led Movie Yoga® one-day workshops and GTT Movie Yoga® six-day modules for years, and many folks have joined in for free online Movie Yoga® salons with GTT staff and friends starting in 2020, when we couldn’t meet easily in person. These community events have been a joyful and heartfelt way to deeply connect, despite being online.
Because many people have said they would like to share Movie Yoga@ with their own groups, we’ve created this online training for those who wish to go deeper into the practice and become Movie Yoga® facilitators themselves. After this training you will be certified to work online or in person doing Movie Yoga® events with others.
Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit by attending a GTT-approved double breathwork workshop. Up to two Virtual Module+Double Breathwork combinations may be counted toward the requirements for certification.
During our time together, we will have group interaction, teaching, movies and/or movie clips and other experiential sessions. Holotropic Breathwork® sessions are not included, since HB cannot be done virtually.
This event consists of seven 3-hour sessions. To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all 7 sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.
*Please use the above U.S. Pacific times and this time zone converter to find the correct times for your zone: